Setup the DataDog project ========================== Then, sign up for Datadog (use “Datadog Recruiting Candidate” in the “Company” field), get the Agent reporting metrics from your local machine. The rest of the exercises will work best on a Linux host either via Vagrant/Virtualbox or a bare metal VM, but not Docker Desktop for Mac. Configure the DataDog agent --------------------------- The agent will read configuration info from two sources: * The ``datadog.yaml`` file for general agent-specific details. It looks like .. code-block:: hostname: tags: - environment: dev - admin_email: - os: ubuntu-bionic - host: gearbox09 env: dev log_level: 'info' and then it will scan the contents of the ``conf.d`` folder, looking for ``conf.yaml`` files. For example, this is a config file for MySQL: .. code-block:: init_config: instances: - server: user: datadog pass: port: "3306" options: replication: false galera_cluster: true extra_status_metrics: true extra_innodb_metrics: true extra_performance_metrics: true schema_size_metrics: false disable_innodb_metrics: false There are examples for most integrations in the ``~/.datadog-agent/etc/conf.d/`` directory.