Collecting Metrics ================== Objectives: * *Add tags in the Agent config file and show us a screenshot of your host and its tags on the Host Map page in Datadog.* * *Install a database on your machine (MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL) and then install the respective Datadog integration for that database.* * *Create a custom agent check.* Add tags in the agent config file ---------------------------------- * *Add tags in the Agent config file and show us a screenshot of your host and its tags on the Host Map page in Datadog.* On OS X the config file for the :term:`datadog-agent ` is at ``~/.datadog-agent/datadog.yaml`` For now, the contents of the file can be limited to: .. code-block:: yaml hostname: tags: - environment: dev - admin_email: - os: ubuntu-bionic - host: gearbox09 env: dev log_level: 'info' Restart the agent after updating this file and you will begin to see data in your Host Map: .. figure:: ./_images/01_host_tags.png :align: center Web UI Host Map with agent-provided tags. Add an integration for MySQL ----------------------------- * *Install a database on your machine (MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL) and then install the respective Datadog integration for that database.* Use the instructions at the Documentation site ( because they are closer to what you will find on your desktop machine. Configure the DataDog agent --------------------------- Provide the agent with the details it needs to receive data from MariaDB. Edit the ``~/.datadog-agent/etc/conf.d/mysql.d/conf.yaml``. In my case, it looks like this: .. code-block::yaml init_config: instances: - server: user: datadog pass: tags: - environment:dev - - expires:20200630 options: replication: false galera_cluster: false extra_status_metrics: true extra_innodb_metrics: true extra_performance_metrics: true schema_size_metrics: false disable_innodb_metrics: false .. figure:: ./_images/04_mysql_metrics.png :align: center Web UI with MySQL metrics Create a custom :term:`Agent` check ------------------------------------- * *Create a custom agent check configured to submit a metric named ``my_metric`` with a random value between 0 and 1000.* .. code-block::python """ Submit a metric with a random value between 0 and 1000.""" class MyClass(AgentCheck): self.gauge( "my_metric", random.randint(0, 1000), tags=["env:dev", "metric_submission_type:gauge", "], ) Since I'm deploying on a remote host, I commit my files to git, and push the feature branch so that I can pull them onto the remote host. The directory structure is important, so I copy the files from my repo directory to the agent's ``conf.d`` and ``checks.d`` locations. .. code-block:: bash $ sudo -u dd-agent cp zero2datadog/checks.d/ /etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/ $ sudo -u dd-agent cp zero2datadog/conf.d/custom_hello.yaml /etc/datadog-agent/conf.d/custom_hello.yaml If you have an IDE like PyCharm or VS Code, you can synchronize the file transfer. This image `courtesy of Brendan Roche `_ illustrates the paths for the check files and for the configuration files in Agents v6 and above. .. figure:: ./_images/02_agent_paths.png :align: center Change the check's collection interval ---------------------------------------- * *Change your check's collection interval so that it only submits the metric once every 45 seconds.* The collection interval for this check can be controlled using the ``conf.d/metrics_example.yaml`` file. Bonus: ------ * *Can you change the collection interval without modifying the Python check file you created?* Yes, the interval can be set by changing the instance description in the yaml file, like this: .. code-block:: yaml init_config: instances: - min_collection_interval: 45