Performance Monitoring: Collecting APM Data =========================================== * *Given the following Flask app, instrument this using Datadog’s APM solution*: To produce a substantial body of transactions, I used a database-intensive Flask app called eNMS ( ) to produce a burst of transactions. in that case, I leveraged the automatic instrumentation provided by the Flask integration using ``ddtrace-run`` from the shell: ``$ ddtrace-run gunicorn --config app:app`` In the case of Flask, the ``ddtrace`` module automatically registers hooks and wraps tracers around functions that have requests. Because using both ``ddtrace-run`` and manually inserting the Middleware has been known to cause issues, I have included an example of a manually-instrumented app below. .. code-block:: python from ddtrace import patch_all patch_all() from flask import Flask from loguru import logger app = Flask(__name__) """ This minimal app invokes the ``ddtrace`` module.""" @app.route('/') def api_entry():"Welcome to Zero2Datadog") return 'Entrypoint to the Application' @app.route('/api/apm') def apm_endpoint():"Starting the APM") return 'Getting APM Started' @app.route('/api/trace') def trace_endpoint():"Posting a Trace") return 'Posting Traces' if __name__ == '__main__':'', port='5050') Dashboard: Unified APM and Metrics =================================== * *Provide a link and a screenshot of a Dashboard with both APM and Infrastructure Metrics.* .. figure:: _images/11_apm_dash.png This dashboard illustrates network traffic levels in conjunction with database queries (e.g. ``trace.sqlite.query.duration``). The dashboard is accessible at: Bonus: Service vs Resource? ---------------------------- * *What is the difference between a Service and a Resource?* :term:`Resource` A resource is a particular action for a given service (typically an individual endpoint or query). A helpful mnemonic could be: *A service...provides (serves) a resource* :term:`Service` Services are the building blocks of modern microservice architectures. Broadly speaking, a service groups together endpoints, queries, or jobs for the purposes of scaling instances